Western Medicine And Eastern Traditions
What many call “alternative” care, we call integrative. We believe full health and wellness is not an option, but rather a goal. We are health care practitioners with a core belief: the best veterinary care is comprehensive, not exclusive, and any treatment that can bring effective and lasting healing to your pet is worthwhile.
This approach recognizes that there is not always a single, perfect solution to a veterinary medical issue and that different treatments or combinations of treatments may be necessary to address the unique needs of each individual animal. Integrative veterinary medicine takes into account the physical, emotional, and social well-being of the animal.
Our Services
One Size Does Not Fit All: Personalized Pet Wellness Programs
Blending herbal medicine, nutritional therapy, homeopathy, essential oils, laser therapy, the microbiome, and acupuncture, we provide a holistic approach to care. Learn more about the comprehensive services we offer.
When it comes to pet wellness programs, one size does not fit all. At Four Paws Wellness Center, we treat our patients as individuals. We focus on disease prevention for animals of all ages. Our “wellness” philosophy is simple: disease prevention through true health in both body and mind.
We provide extensive consultations for your pets, creating a treatment approach based on a strong foundation in traditional veterinary medicine, in addition to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and Western Herbal medicine therapies.
Individual food therapy programs suitable for you and your pet's lifestyle that range from complete and balanced homemade diets to commercially available pet foods can be formulated. Many different diets are available and Dr. Stephanie can help you to choose those diets and supplements that are most beneficial for your pet's condition, health and well-being.
Acupuncture will not cure every condition, but it can work very well when it is indicated. The initial acupuncture appointment will consist of an exam, discussion with the client and the first treatment.
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Herbal Formulas and supplements are another staple of integrative pet care at Four Paws Wellness Center. Either used alone or when used in conjunction with Western medications, they can be effective for a variety of medical conditions and behavioral disorders.
Laser therapy has been shown to accelerate the body’s natural healing process through photo-bio-modulation. Low-level lasers work by increasing blood flow to the affected area, which helps to promote the growth of new tissue and speed up the healing process. It can also help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that utilizes substances that produce symptoms similar to the symptoms of disease that can be used to cure that disease.
The use of fecal transplants, herbal medicine, food therapy, and other supplements has been shown to be clinically effective in the treatment of diarrhea secondary to antibiotic administration, chronic diarrhea, IBD, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, asthma, chronic giardiasis and hookworm infection, immune deficiency conditions, diabetes, constipation, anorexia, food allergies, atopy, and has been helpful in the control of diarrhea in dogs and cats with intestinal lymphoma. It has also shown efficacy for aggression behavior disorders.
If you want to know what’s going on with your pet’s health immediately, an in-house lab is critical. Four Paws Wellness Center is proud to offer an in-house diagnostics laboratory that can obtain blood test results in minutes, especially for our critical care patients.
We want to make sure that when it’s time to say goodbye to your beloved pet, they are surrounded not only by their loving owners, but also by care givers that will provide a painless and supportive transition.
Teeth cleaning without anesthesia, is a type of dentistry for pets with a good temperament who have no painful dental disease. Please have our veterinarian do an exam to determine if your pet is a good candidate prior to registering for this service. Learn more about this service here.

We are proud to carry a variety of supplements and herbal medicines, as well as flower essences, homeopathic remedies, essential oils, and some pharmaceuticals. For products we do not have on hand, we offer online pharmacy access to our patients via Fullscript and Covetrus.
Dr. Sur and Dr. Mindy Pelz discuss THE IMPACTS OF toxins, pet nutrition, and more to KEEP YOUR PETS HEALTHY AND CANCER FREE.