We will take into account each patient’s situation when developing a wellness program. In some cases, medication is recommended. In others, simple dietary changes or integrative care treatments may be all that your pet requires.

Regular exams and certain diagnostics play an important role in pet wellness care. Please contact us for more details about our services. Let’s get started on the path to thriving today!



Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend OR - Pichu the dog


One Size Does Not Fit All: Personalized
Pet Wellness Programs

When it comes to pet wellness programs, one size does not fit all. At Four Paws Wellness Center, we treat our patients as individuals. We focus on disease prevention for animals of all ages. Our “wellness” philosophy is simple: disease prevention through true health in both body and mind.

We will take into account each patient’s situation when developing a wellness program. In some cases, medication is recommended. In others, simple dietary changes or integrative care treatments may be all that your pet requires.

Regular exams and certain diagnostics play an important role in pet wellness care.

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend OR - Dr. Stephanie Sur

Dr. Stephanie Sur has undergone training in herbal medicine, food therapy, homeopathy, essential oils, laser therapy, the microbiome, and acupuncture. This continuing education allows our doctor to provide more extensive consultations for your pets, creating a treatment approach based on a strong foundation in traditional veterinary medicine in addition to Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) and Western Herbal medicine therapies. These consults are priced based on the amount of training and time involved in allowing us to create this individualized therapeutic plan for your pet’s unique health care needs.

Although any patient can benefit from an integrative consult, most often, these consults are scheduled for patients diagnosed with an underlying medical condition. Examples include (but are not limited to) organ disease (kidney, liver, etc), arthritis, auto-immune disease, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and various forms of cancer. However, many new puppy or kitten owners want to start their life in a more holistic way and these consults are perfect for those pet families as well.

Integrative Consults

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend OR - Dr. Stephanie Sur examining a dog

These consults
include the following:

  • Initial consult and full physical exam (up to one hour office visit).

  • Review of Holistic Intake paperwork and medical history.

  • Doctor’s time spent researching and creating a treatment plan based on the initial consultation.

  • Initial recommendations for supplements, diet changes and other treatments.

NOT included:

  • Any testing recommendations.

  • Follow up exams/office visits (regular fees apply).

  • Additional emails/phone consults.

We strongly recommend that all Integrative Intake paperwork be completed prior to scheduling an Integrative Consult. This allows Dr. Stephanie to expedite her initial treatment recommendations. We understand that this is not always possible. In that case, schedule the appointment and complete the paperwork in advance and bring it, completed, to the appointment.

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend OR - whole dog food diet



Many pet health problems can be traced to feeding species inappropriate diets. These are diets that contain ingredients that dogs or cats did not historically evolve to eat. These components have been found to contribute to allergic skin disease and many other ailments. Each animal is a unique individual and there is not a single dietary or dietary supplement program for animals using a “one size fits all” approach. Instead, a diet and supplement plan is made that is tailored to your animal’s specific needs. Diet and supplement recommendations are based on a variety of factors such as the species, age, breed, weight, work the animal is expected to perform, and any disease conditions that are present.

We believe the treatment of any medical or behavioral condition should always include a dietary evaluation. We are what we eat! In some cases, a diet change alone can reverse potentially life-threatening diseases such as diabetes.

During your visit, we may recommend diets formulated for specific diseases and conditions. We may also recommend limited ingredient diets to reduce exposure of potentially inflammatory ingredients. Diet can be critical in the treatment of patients with allergies leading to dermatitis or chronic ear infections. 

Acupuncture may be defined as the insertion of needles into specific points on the body to produce a healing response. Each acupuncture point has specific actions when stimulated. This technique has been used in veterinary practice in China for thousands of years to treat many ailments. The Chinese also use acupuncture as preventative medicine. Acupuncture is used all around the world, either alone or in conjunction with western medicine, to treat a wide variety of conditions in every species of animal. Clinical research has been conducted showing positive results in the treatment of both animals and humans, and the use of acupuncture is increasing.

Acupuncture will not cure every condition, but it can work very well when it is indicated. The initial acupuncture appointment will consist of an exam, discussion with the client, and the first treatment. Plan on the first visit taking one hour. Please complete the Acupuncture questionnaire and have all medical records sent to us prior to your visit. Follow up acupuncture appointments typically take 30 minutes.


Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend OR - Chinese herbs



Traditional Chinese Veterinary Herbal Formulas and supplements are another staple of integrative pet care at Four Paws Wellness Center. Either used alone or when used in conjunction with Western medications, they can be effective for a variety of medical conditions and behavioral disorders.

Herbs and supplements are especially useful for patients with underlying liver or kidney diseases that make it difficult to tolerate certain prescription drugs.

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend OR - Chinese herbs

As with acupuncture, the focus of herbal supplements is to correct any underlying health imbalances and to achieve an overall state of “wellness.” Treatment can range from short-term to long-term.

The use of herbs and homeopathy allows us to decrease the amount of prescription drugs that carry potentially more toxic side effects. Overall, we see minimal side effects in the short- and long-term use of herbs and supplements.

Western Herbal Formulas:

Western Herbal medicine differs some from Chinese Herbal Formulas. It uses plants and other plant material to create medicines that treat disease, and enhance health and wellbeing, just as Chinese Herbs, but they tend to be more single ingredients rather than complex combinations. The plants used are traditionally grown in Europe, North America and Asia. 

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend OR - Jen Hill



Laser therapy has been shown to accelerate the body’s natural healing process through photo-bio-modulation. Low-level lasers work by increasing blood flow to the affected area, which helps to promote the growth of new tissue and speed up the healing process. It can also help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

Laser clinical studies over several decades have shown that laser therapy relieves pain and inflammation, decreases swelling, stimulates nerve regeneration and promotes tissue repair. Therapy Lasers have been scientifically proven and have gained popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in treating a wide range of conditions including: pre/post-surgical pain management, wound healing, skin conditions, dental pain, infections, strains/sprains, inflammatory bowel disease, lick granuloma, chronic back, neck and joint pain and other conditions.

In general, laser therapy is considered to be safe and effective, and is done through the use of a handheld device that is placed over the affected area, and the treatment is usually well tolerated by pets.

It’s always a good idea to have a consultation before starting this treatment option to determine if laser therapy could potentially be beneficial for your pet.

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend, OR - homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was pioneered by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Europe in the 19th century. Based on the principle “Similimum similibus curantur” or “Like cures like,” homeopathic practitioners have found that substances that produce symptoms similar to the symptoms of disease, and can be used to cure that disease. These substances are specially prepared so that they have no toxic “side effects.” They have the additional advantage of being very easy to administer. Pets in particular enjoy their small size and good taste. Homeopathy can also be used to protect pets from future diseases.


Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend, OR - supplements


There are microbes that normally occupy the eye, ear, mouth, skin, respiratory tract, the genital organs, and the gastrointestinal tract. These microbial communities are collectively referred to as the microbiome. Of all the sites in the body, the gut microbiome is considered the most important, the most studied, and has emerged as a key modulator of host health and disease in recent years. 

The use of fecal transplants, herbal medicine, food therapy and other supplements has been shown to be clinically effective in the treatment of diarrhea secondary to antibiotic administration, chronic diarrhea, IBD, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, asthma, chronic giardiasis and hookworm infection, immune deficiency conditions, diabetes, constipation, anorexia, food allergies, atopy, and has been helpful in the control of diarrhea in dogs and cats with intestinal lymphoma. It has also shown efficacy for aggression behavior disorders.

All disease begins in the gut” - Hippocrates

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend, OR - cat blood draw

Diagnostic Laboratory

If you want to know what’s going on with your pet’s health immediately, an in-house lab is critical. Four Paws Wellness Center is proud to offer an in-house diagnostics laboratory that can obtain blood test results in minutes, especially for our critical care patients.

Faster lab results can mean faster healing because we can get a rapid diagnosis and begin treatment immediately. This can lead to a more favorable prognosis and a more complete restoration of your pet’s good health.

Please note, treatment recommendations vary based on blood tests, and some tests may require longer delivery, such as those requiring review by a pathologist. We do NOT offer radiography (x-rays) and have partnered with Westside Pet Hospital to offer this service. We can order an ultrasound to be performed in our clinic by our outside veterinary contractors. We also use alternative lab testing such as microbiome testing, vitamin and mineral deficiency testing, cancer screening, food allergy testing and vaccine titer testing.

Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend, OR - older dog with owner

We want to make sure that when it’s time to say goodbye to your beloved pet, they are surrounded not only by their loving owners, but also by care givers that will provide a painless and supportive transition. In-home euthanasia appointments include:

  • A discussion about your concerns, thoughts, or questions surrounding in-home euthanasia.

  • Sedation to ease discomfort for your pet; you deserve your final memory of your pet to be calm and comfortable. This injection of pain medication and sedatives will allow your pet to drift off to a peaceful sleep before the final injection is administered.

  • Sedation assessment, to ensure your pet is sleeping deeply and no longer responds to stimulation.

  • Euthanasia, the final gift.

  • Transportation for after care, if selected


Four Paws Wellness Veterinary Center Bend, OR - dog with a toothbrush

Non- Anesthetic
Dental Plus

Teeth cleaning without anesthesia, also known as Professional Outpatient Preventative Dentistry (POPD) for dogs and cats, offers pet owners an alternative method for maintaining oral health. This type of dentistry is for pets with a good temperament who have no painful dental disease. It is used in between anesthetic dental procedures to maintain oral hygiene.  A comprehensive oral exam is performed to make sure no disease is present, then the full cleaning, polishing and Biolase are performed. Please have our veterinarian do an exam to determine if your pet is a good candidate prior to registering for this service.